Check in With Santa


Today Santa stopped in to help ease our fears that maybe he wouldn’t be showing up this year due to COVID-19. Sant McEneaney would like everyone to know that his North Pole Receiving Station is receiving letters from children; in fact, Santa will perhaps call these children back! We have the complete details below.

Send letters to:
North Pole Receiving Station
P.O. Box 557 | Redwater, Texas 75573 | USA

For those who don’t know…I would like for when your children write their letters to Santa, mark down what you could and couldn’t get and send it to the PO Box. I will then call the children on a video call holding up their letter and have a quick chat with them. Kids will be relieved that Santa isn’t on lockdown and you look like heroes lol.

Hey to my family and friends who have young Kids..the guy who is doing this is married to my friend that used to work at Harley Davidson in is the address and he will try to video chat with them…he looks so real as
Santa Mc Eneaney ..go to his page!

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