The Day The World Changed

August 6th is the anniversary of the day the entire world changed in the blink of an eye.

President Truman who believed his actions would speed the end to World War 2 had given the orders to drop the first Atomic Bomb (called Little Boy) on Hiroshima, Japan.

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On August 9th another Atomic Bomb (called Fat Boy) was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.

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Japan agreed to Unconditional Surrender and World War 2 finally came to an end after 6 long years.

Thankfully, no Atomic or Nuclear bombs have ever been used since those ending days of World War 2.

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Perhaps, the world will continue to be spared from ever having to endure what happened to those 2 Japanese cities in August of 1945.

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But we should always remember and never forget the day that the entire world changed in the blink of an eye on August 6th, 1945.

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