Stop Panhandling and Change a Life Through Responsible Compassion


Have you seen these signs on Richmond Road, Summerhill Drive, and Stateline Ave exits? The City of Texarkana, Texas is committed to offering assistance to our at-risk population, change a life through reasonable compassion. Together we can change lives every day. Please consider donating to the Texarkana Homeless Coalition rather than risking life and limb by donating money at area stoplights. We can measure the balance of our society by how well those who are an at-risk population are assisted and empowered to live their best life.

The city of Texarkana Texas has placed signs on Summerhill Richmond and Stateline exits in regards to the substantial amount of pan handling! Please consider the website on the sign to give to local outreaches!

Our network of community-based service agencies in Texarkana work together to end homelessness by providing critically needed support for our community-wide commitment to the needs and issues surrounding individuals and families who are near homeless or experiencing homelessness.

We work to address the root causes of poverty and homelessness with programs and services to help individuals and provide various contact information so these individuals can get access to the available services.

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