Some of the Best Words Literally Ever


We made a list of the best words ever and what they mean. The English language is a complex form of communication relying on tone and inflection. We want to see if you can use three of these words in a sentence.

Bamboozled: Confound or perplexed

Discombobulated: Confused and disconcerted

Cattywampus: Is not lined up or not arranged correctly, or diagonally

Malarkey: Insincere, meaningless, or deliberately misleading talk; nonsense

Brouhaha: An uproar or disruption

Skedaddle: To runoff or away; leave in a hurry

Doohickey: Any small object or device whose name is not known or is temporarily forgotten

Persnickety: Too particular or precise; fastidious; fussy

Whatnot: A nondescript or indescribable thing or, sometimes, person

Flibbertigibbet: An irresponsible, flighty person

Gobsmacked: Utterly astonished; astounded

Tenterhooks: In suspense; filled with anxiety

Poppycock: Foolish talk; nonsense

Whippersnapper: An insignificant, esp. young, a person who appears impertinent or presumptuous

Flabbergaster: To make speechless with amazement; astonish

Shenanigans: Trickery; mischief

Lollygag: To waste time in trifling or aimless activity; fool around

Kerfuffle: Disorder; uproar; confusion

Nincompoop: A stupid, silly person; fool

Thingamajig: Any device, contrivance, gadget, etc.: a jocking substitute for a name not known or temporarily forgotten

Whatsit: Something whose name is unknown or forgotten

Whatchamacallit: Something whose name is unknown or forgotten

Flummoxed: To be to confuse; perplex

Gobbledygook: Talk or writing that is wordy, pompous, etc. and largely incomprehensible or meaningless

Canoodle: Kiss and cuddle amorously

Codswallop: Nonsense