Save Your Place in History | TXK 150 Time Capsule


Exciting news! On December 8, 2023, the TXK150 Committee will be burying a time capsule to be opened in 2073. The TXK 150 Committee is inviting you to participate by dropping off a letter that will be placed in the time capsule. Don’t worry if you’re not sure what to write; and they have a form you can complete and drop off. But feel free to write your own letter using as much or as little of the prompt as you want.

You can drop off your letter at the City of Texarkana, Texas, or the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, from 8 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday.  The deadline to submit an item is Monday, December 4th.

And hey, if you have any items other than letters you’d like to include in the time capsule, just drop them off along with your name, phone number, and email address. They will include them in the time capsule as space allows. Don’t miss your chance!