Help Randy Sams Out Reach Shelter on Thanksgiving


We know that 2022 has been draining, as almost everything we commonly purchase has gone way up in price. Randy Sams Out Shelter provides a Thanksgiving feast to those who may not have the means to have their own. Let’s help make Thanksgiving memorable for everyone in our community. We can make a big difference if we all give just a little. Feel free to call the shelter at 903-792-7024 any day to offer your assistance. Donations for the meal are welcome, anything from sides, desserts, canned sodas, and of course, the guest of honor, the hams. If you’d instead offer a monetary donation, we understand entirely, as this donation will help the staff purchase much-needed items for the meal. The Randy Sams Out Reach Shelter is located at 402 Oak St, Texarkana, TX, United States, Texas.

Other items appreciated are cold-weather clothing, underclothes, and personal grooming items for both men and women.