Fields of Faith 2020 Will Be Different Due to Covid


The Annual Fields of Faith will not be deterred by Covid-19.

Here is a News Release by the organizers of Fields of Faith:

Red River FCA’s annual Fields of Faith event may look a little different in 2020, but it is still happening. The gathering that routinely draws over 4,000 students from the area to Pleasant Grove’s football stadium, will now be hosted online in an event they have dubbed “House Parties”.

It will be held LIVE online via YouTube on Wednesday, October 21 beginning at 6:30 PM.

“The idea is to take the same environment from Fields of Faith to the house,” said Area FCA Director Eric Akin. “That can be your house, the field house, or the church house.”

Organizers anticipate small groups from around the area meeting in homes, churches, and even schools to participate in the event. These “watch parties” can register on the Red River FCA web page to be included in the live broadcast.

“Even thought this year is online, we expect to be able to reach as many, if not more kids than we are used to,” Akin said.

In addition to a time of singing and worship, the event will include testimonies from area student athletes sharing their own personal experiences.

Included in the testimonies is Olympian and Texarkana native Jarrion Lawson.

“Jarrion’s story is one that so many can relate to right now,” Akin said. “So many people are facing things that can seem insurmountable. Maybe not something exaclty like Jarrion had to go though, but still huge in their own lives.”

“Hearing him talk candidly about the triumphs and trials he has endured and overcome is an incredible testimony to the strength that comes from a firm faith.”

Akin believes that even with the separation required by the coronavirus pandemic, the event can reach students and the community.

“COVID has changed so much of the way we go about our normal lives,” he said. “But it has never once changed the mission or the focus of Red River FCA to reach students for Christ.”

Those interested in attending Fields of Faith can search for Red River FCA on YouTube for Wednesday’s live broadcast beginning at 6:30 PM.


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