Easter Bunnies and Chicks Are So Cute


Easter is next weekend and we want to make sure that Easter 2021 is very memorable for our families. We were at the store and saw some of the most adorable bunnies and chicks in an Easter display. We wanted them all but knew we just wouldn’t have the time to care for them.

Baby chicks turn into full-grown chickens maybe not a great plan for an apartment. Sure chicks are fluffy and adorable! But baby chicks are very sensitive and need the proper space and care in order to grow into chickens.

Bunnies care just like a dog or cat. They need love and attention or they will turn out to be biters and kickers (and it hurts). They need more than 2 square feet of space. They can’t withstand freezing temps or 100 degrees without your help. They need high-quality food and hay, chew toys, freshwater. They can live to be up to 10 years old. They can only eat certain “treats” and they need to be neutered and spayed just like dogs. They aren’t an easy pet, but they are awesome and smart if you can devote some time to them.

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