Earth Day 2020

It’s almost here.  Earth Day 2020.  This year it’s April 22nd.  Do you even care?  Have you ever celebrated Earth Day?  If you have no idea what I’m talking about just click on this link to know all you need and want to know about Earth Day:

Courtesy of Pixabay

I will admit in my wayward youth I wanted to be a “Hippie” and Earth Day sounded like a Good Idea to me.  What about you?  Have you ever done anything to remember or celebrate Earth Day?  To be honest I have never done anything.  Not even in my tree-hugging wannabe hippie days did I ever do anything.

Courtesy of Pixabay

I think I once planted a Corn Nut seed.  But that was more to see if I could grow some Corn Nuts.  I like Corn Nuts.  Salty and very crunchy.

Courtesy of Pixabay

Sadly, my efforts ended with nothing more than a seed in the ground that never grew anything.  My green thumb is more like a black thumb that almost guarantees anything I plant is destined to be buried with no chance of growth.

Courtesy of Pixabay

Enough about me.  Do you do anything to honor Earth Day?  Or is it just another in the seemingly never-ending list of Holidays we now have on our printed calendars that no one ever actually pays attention to?  Let me know.  Does Earth Day have a place in your life?  If so, what do you do to recognize the day?

Courtesy of Pixabay

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