City Board Meeting Slated for Tonight


The Texarkana Arkansas City Board of Directors will hold their regularly scheduled meeting tonight (Monday November 1st) at City Hall.

Here is the complete agenda from the City of Texarkana Arkansas:

Call to Order

Roll Call

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given by Director Jeff Hart.

A limit of five (5) minutes per person is allotted for citizens to express their concerns to the
Board of Directors, with a maximum of fifty (50) minutes reserved for Citizens
Communication. The Board of Directors cannot respond to citizens’ concerns during this time.
Be respectful of the Board of Directors, city staff, and the public by refraining from abusive
conduct, personal charges, or verbal attacks.

1. Presentation of the City of Texarkana, Arkansas Employee Service Awards. (CCD)


2. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting October 18, 2021. (CCD)

3. Adopt a Resolution to reschedule the Monday, December 6, 2021, Board of Directors’
meeting to Tuesday, December 7, 2021 due to the Annual Christmas Parade. (CCD)

4. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with
Phillips Refrigeration for Kitchen Equipment for the Texarkana Rec Center. (PWD)


5. Adopt a Resolution approving the Texarkana Water Utilities (TWU) FY 2021-2022 Budget.
(TWU) (TABLED 10182021) Interim Executive Director, Gary Smith and TWU Finance
Director, Tricia Briggs.

6. Adopt a Resolution for the City Manager to enter into a lease agreement on behalf of the
Texarkana, Arkansas Police Department (TAPD) with the Airport Authority for use of
property and building located at 3801 E. 19th Street. (TAPD) Lt. Scott Megason

7. Adopt an Ordinance amending the Personnel Policy. (FIN) Finance Director TyRhonda
Henderson An emergency clause is requested. An emergency clause requires a separate and distinct
vote of the board and is valid only if there is a two-thirds vote of approval by the Board.

8. Adopt a Resolution to reschedule 2022 Board of Directors’ meetings that conflict with certain
holidays. (CCD) City Clerk Heather Soyars

9. Adopt an Ordinance authorizing the purchase of 100 Glock Model 45 Black MOS Compact
9mm Gen 5 with Ameriglo Sights. (TAPD) Capt. James Atchley An emergency clause is requested. An emergency clause requires a separate and distinct vote of the board and is valid only if there is a two-thirds vote of approval by the Board.

10. Adopt an Ordinance to rezone a tract of land located at 110 E. 14th Street from C-3 Opendisplay commercial to R-4 Medium-density residential to develop rental property (McDowell). [Ward 2] (PWD-Planning) City Planner Mary Beck

11. Adopt an Ordinance to rezone a tract of land located at 612 Thatcher Street, containing three
residences from C-3 Open-display commercial to R-4 Medium-density residential in order to
replat the property for individual investments (Butler). [Ward 3] (PWD-Planning) City Planner Mary Beck



NEXT MEETING DATE: Monday, November 15, 2021


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